Monday, 17 March 2014

Look Who's Talking

Please allow me an occasional post here about the boy's development and milestones... This week: WORDS! :)

The boy is 16 months old, and according to the books (specifically "Small Talk" by Dr R Woolfson) should now be accumulating single words at quite a rate.  By 18 months the "average" kid (whatever that is!) will have between 10 and 20 words.  But there are different methods of language accumulation, and different babies learn differently.  So far, the boy seems to be a mainly "referential" learner: he picks up on the names of people and objects.  Things that he can see and touch (or more likely stuff into his mouth!).  And I'm pleased to report he has a pretty good vocab for his age.  Makes life slightly less repetitive!  He also, as the book suggests, is capable of following simple instructions (when he wants to) such as "give mummy the cup", "put the toy in the basket" etc. 

Apparently (and we haven't noticed the boy doing this yet) the 16-18 month period might also herald the start of singing (delightful!) and first sentences (2 words strung together).  Ok - the husband has just pointed out that the boy has been talking in full sentences, with phrases, pauses and emphasis for months now - it's just that we don't understand any of it!

So here are the boy's "first words" in vague order of accumulation:
- Dada (of course he said this weeks before he said...)
- Mama
- CAT!!!
- Buh-Ba (bye)
- Hi
- Custard
- Yoghurt
- Breadstick 
- Toast
- Cake (noticing a pattern here?!)
- Juice
- Car
- Bath
- Doh (dog)
- Ge-guh (gentle - we say this to him hundred of times a day, in our attempts to safeguard the kitten from his affections!)
- Out
- Keys
- Duck.

So nothing complicated like pronouns or verbs, but a pretty good mix of words for him to get started with.  

He still becomes very frustrated at times, when he does not get what he wants and he cannot express himself.  He is getting better at using non verbal communication however - handing me a toy if its not working for him, or leading me somewhere by the hand in order to get what he wants.  Unfortunately this does extend over into whacking me from time to time! 

So - how does this compare to your experience? Any tips for curbing the physical side of his temper?!?


  1. Aww it looks like your little guy is doing amazingly well! The frustration is a good thing I think, strives them to finally crack the thing that's been side lining them, he'll get there.

    Thanks so much for linking up! #MadMidWeekBlogHop

    1. Thanks Deborah, and yes you are right the frustration does make him a determined wee soul.. :)

  2. Words are SO exciting! :)
    #MMWBH x

  3. Thanks ladies! Yes it is a very exciting time... :)

  4. Wow it is great that he knows so many words. We are still waiting for the first proper one x

    1. Ah, it will come and will be worth the wait! :)

  5. Oh that's nice! Can I be honest, I don't really know what my son's real first word is =P

    So much mumbling on his side =P


    1. Just say it was "mummy" then... :) no one will know either way!!

  6. My son's 18 months old and he love singing Happy Birthday but when he sings it it sounds like Happy Burpday! So cute. #WotW

    1. That sounds adorable... My wee one had yet to sing a note but toddler singing is just the cutest thing...

  7. Ah, so cute! My son, at 18 months old, rejoices in new words and is always proud of himself! He 'sings' with his sister, though it's more of a babbly tune! I love this stage where they pick so much up so quickly. Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. A pleasure! Such a great linky, love reading all the others too!

  8. That is a huge list of words, well done indeed #WotW

  9. Aww sounds like a great lost of words! Monkey has been much slower on the talking side (worrying me lots as I am sure you can imagine) but he has been able to communicate non verbally very well for ages! We finally have words though. He's been saying yum yum for ages (not sure if that counts) but now he says go, two and this morning cat. Small steps but we are getting there! He is 22 mths - so your little man is doing very well in my opinion! :) xx #wotw

    1. Each in their own time! I've read that different babies concentrate on different development areas at different times... Eg some may develop more motor skills at a younger age, compared to verbal, and so on... Yum yum definitely counts though! Am sure he will be chattering away in no time... X

  10. Aww! Well done! That's a great list of words he knows!
