Tuesday 26 May 2015

16 hours

Sixteen blessed hours.

This is how long The Boy will be attending nursery each week, starting from when we return to London in June.  Four afternoons a week, at the lovely little Montessori nursery just around the corner (literally) from our front door.  I can't wait.

I'm sure The Boy will take a little bit of getting used to the new arrangements.  He's been with me day and night since he was born, and although not overly clingy he has a keen sense of where I am and what I'm doing at all times!  He is not the biggest fan of other children either, although at least he's outgrown his pushing/hitting phase.  But I think this will be the making of us.  For him, a chance to stretch his independence and socialise and learn and grow.  For me, a chance to regain a sense of self (beyond motherhood) and to find new purpose.

I am open to suggestions, but already I have a few ideas on how to make use of this new window of opportunity:

- take Ukelele lessons (I was given a Ukelele as a birthday present many years ago but have shamefully never learned to play it)
- get fit, maybe even take an exercise class.  I've heard there's this new thing called "Zumba"... :)
- volunteer every Monday at the pop-up mental health cafe up the road.  Maybe help out cooking/serving, or even getting involved in the organisational side of things.  I see this as work experience for me and my own pop-up plans!
- finish what I started with the clinical psychologist and have some more sessions working on my psychosis memories and fears.
- find an actual paying job.  Ideally in a coffee shop, somewhere friendly and local.
- work on my writing.  Maybe take a night class, turn my very fledgling ideas into some sort of book.
- improve my italian, for the umpteenth time of trying.  Join an Italian language group, or find a tutor.

Ok so maybe these 16 hours will be filled up in no time.  And I still need to leave room for drinking coffee, meeting up with childless friends in baby-unfriendly places, daydreaming, wasting time on my iPad without having it turned to blasted Peppa Pig at every opportunity...

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